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[2023-24 Academic Year] Week-32 (05/05/2024) – Circular

[2023-24 Academic Year] Week-32 (05/05/2024) – Circular

அன்புடையீர் வணக்கம், 

Welcome to the 32nd week of 2023-24 academic year. 

Upcoming important dates/events:

May 05, 2024           Test 8 (Final Exam)

May 11, 2024           Graduation and Annual Day

Graduation Day

The Graduation and Annual day celebrations will be held on May 11, 2024.

Graduation Day Lunch:

Lunch for students, teachers and volunteers will be covered by the school. Parents, siblings of students not attending STA, Grand parents, Guests will need to purchase tickets for lunch. Lunch tickets can be purchased tomorrow and the cost would be as follows:

Vegetarian lunch: $10

Non-Vegetarian lunch: $13

(Note: Payment must be made in cash)

Students/volunteers/TAs please stop by at the hot chocolate station and provide your RSVP (indicate if you will be attending and also let us know if for some reason you are unable to attend) for the event. This will help us get a more accurate count for food.

Using the Tamil School Facility

    • We are requesting full cooperation from all students in using the school facilities in a responsible manner. 
  • Attention is needed not only inside the classroom, but also when outside within the School premises. Students were seen getting into the shed (PE Shed) and obtaining balls to play with. THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. Students cannot access the shed and take school property. This has been brought to our attention. Parents, kindly talk to the kids regarding this and if you see anyone getting into the shed, please stop them.
  • When in the classroom, students are expected to refrain from touching any of the items in the classrooms including items inside individual desks. 
  • When outside, we expect students to place any trash including used cups after consuming hot chocolate in the trash can. 
  • Parents, we request you to talk to the kids about these items and insist on the expected behavior at home.


Attendance is a critical component of our grading system as you all should know. The attendance officer will mark attendance during the classroom session. Don’t forget that 100% attendance for the academic year gets recognized at the end of the year. 

Parking & drop-off:

Limited parking is available at our school location, 650 Willard Dr, Folsom, CA. If the parking lot is full, parents can park at 1835 Prairie City Rd, Folsom, CA 95630, and enter the school assembly area through the side entrance. See the map below. Please follow the instructions from our traffic & security officers. 

Important links:

School calendar: school information page. 

 For all other technical support and/or questions, please reach out to administration team below:

Principal – Kavitha Manoharan @916-917-8902 Email: Kavitha

Vice Principal – Swami Sathappan @858-397-4975 Email: Swami

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